Apr 042010

Now a note on the recipe. Since we are trying to taste differences between the yeast, we went with a basic special bitter recipe that wasn’t too heavy on the hops. We picked a moderate starting gravity as well. Here’s the info:
British Pale Ale 41.75 lbs
Caramel 120 L 2.17 lbs
Special Roast 1 lb
3.4 oz Target (8.6%) – 60 min
2 oz East Kent Golding (5%, whole leaf) – 30 min
1 oz EKG (4.8%, pellets) – 30 min
0.8 oz EKG (5%, pellets) – 30 min
2.5 oz EKG (4%, plugs) – flameout
2 whirlfloc tablets
Mash Temperature: 152F
Starting Gravity: 1.047
Volume: 27 gallons
Efficiency: 81%
Calculated SRM: 10
Fermentation temp: 68F
Everything went well. We now have 8 cornie kegs filled with ~3 gallons of identical wort, pitched with 8 different English ale yeast strains.